Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Weekend update

What's that you say? There is already a poilitician aspiring for higher office who is using that "I can see Russia from my backyard so that makes me an expert on foreign policy" defence? The nerve of some people.
Alright maybe I was stretching the truth just a bit (hey, it's politics). Actually over the last three weeks I have been to Pattaya, Bangkok, Phuket, Macau and am now in Hong Kong. Now let me help y'all with a map here.

See I was there, then I was there. I was juking and I was jiving. Now when I was over in Thailand in the south in a place called Phuket I was swimming in the beautiful Andaman Sea and right up the Andaman sea is place called Burma and I could see big Bad Burma from the water and so I took the opportunity to yell at them, "Hey you Burma bad guys, you let the Dalai Lama out of jail right now. Yeah, you let him go else I'll shoot all your polar bears." They knew I meant it. So vote for me because I can see Burma over there. It's somewhere. I just know it is.
Monday, July 7, 2008
As Good As It Gets

And just for good measure: wow
I can’t say I am a seasoned tennis observer. But I can say that I am a seasoned sports observer and what I observed on Sunday in the men’s final at Wimbledon defied description. It was the most thrilling and enchanting sports event I can ever recall seeing. The number one player in the world and five time defending champion Roger Federer going for his sixth straight title on Wimbledon’s hallowed grass. The only thing standing in his way was the number two player in the world Raphael Nadal, who was playing at a level that many announcers claimed they had never seen ANY player at before. I spent the first week and a half in London including four days out at the grounds. When I wasn’t out at Wimbledon I was watching in high def on BBC interactive, which allowed me to choose whatever match I wanted. I think I saw every match that mattered and even a bunch that didn’t. Federer was imperious. He plays better on grass than anyone since Bob Marley and looks like a 40's movies star who just walked off the courts at Hearst Castle. He is one dashing mofo

I flew back to Canada the day before the men’s semifinal hoping to catch Fed playing the largely disappointing but hugely talented Marat Safin. But since Canada is the US’s bitch state (it pains me to say it), our national sports network, TSN, picked up the US feed and instead of Fed and Safin we were forced to watch Serena and Venus playing doubles. I said frigging DOUBLES! Doubles tennis should never be on TV, never mind pre-empting a Fed semifinal for a match that wasn’t even a final. But they HAD to show the Americans. All I can say is SHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT. It was the first time in my life I actually missed the BBC.
But back to Nadal and Fed. I started watching the match at 9 a.m and finished watching it at 4:16 p.m. and I have to admit that while watching the last few sets I was thinking of all those poor schmucks in Hong Kong, where I used to love watching Wimbledon because it always came on at night in prime time, well all those poor schmucks were sawing logs and sleeping through the greatest tennis match ever. Sure enough the pride of the Columbia U tennis team, Dave the Cave Mann, confirmed that he had missed last two sets because of sleep. Which means he missed the forth set tie breaker, which means he missed Fed dialing up ace after ace to save his ass in the fifth set and actually going up 6-5, which means he missed…well hell he missed it all. Easily greatest tennis match ever and one of the greatest sports event ever. The play was crisp, the drama almost unbearable. Bravo Rafa, bravo muchacho!

Oh, and yeah, tough break Hong Kong. I’m feeling so sorry for all you suckers who slept through this epic. Honestly, I feeel for you. But listen, before I go I just want to say that we will soon be inundated with endless hype from now to kingdom come about the 2008 Wimbledon men’s final. It will become inescapable and unbearable, it really will. For once though, all the hype won’t be able to do it justice. Federer v Nadal was truly as good as it gets. Damn, I am so, so glad I saw this thing in its entirety.
And I just have one more question: who the f*%k watches doubles tennis on TV! I mean, seriously. You really have to take stock of yourself America.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Smashing Luv, absolutely smashing!

But now summer is here and I have finally found my way back to work thanks to Uber Editor Pietro’ Comparelli and his glossy tai-tai rag-mag Prestige. So here we are in foggy London town, where I have been sent on assignment to write something on the Wimbledon fortnight. Jolly good. But one thing is missing in foggy old London town: fog. I packed a whole bunch of cold weather gear including a few rain coats, or as they call them in England “Macs” (don’t ask, apparently you have to have pasty flesh and bad teeth to understand http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/sport/2008/06/23/serena_plays_herself_into_unse.html).
But as the man says, the weather has just been smashing around here. Sunny and temperate, even old Nelson Mandela showed up for his 90th birthday party in Hyde park the other night wearing nothing more than a smile and a light sweater (sorry luv, I meant a wooly jumper).
So here I am, thanks to the generosity of Lord Dow of Famulak, no more than a few blocks away from Hyde Park, shipwrecked in Belgravia with all the other poseurs floating around Harvey Nick’s and Harrods. And here I will stay until it rains again. I ain’t leaving London until I get wet. After all, what am I going to do with all those “Macs” in me bag?
Roger and Me (Wimbledon 2008)
Well, you know I live for people, and moments, like this. There was Lord-what’s-his-name in his straw hat nodding off whilst his wife, Lady Chattering, was leaning over him and flapping up a storm with some pearled-out-Duchess-wannabe. Two seats over, another striped shirt sycophant had half his finger up his nose. When he withdrew it to inspect the contents, I quickly reached again for my trusty camera. But before I could get off a few snaps, Sir-Striped-Shirt thought twice about the royal booger and simply shooed it off his finger. Drat, another shot missed.
Still, as riveting as it was, once again I focused me gaze towards the tennis but soon found meself unable to parry this enormously pregnant woman a few rows below who had stood up and effectively blocked out most of center court. Before I get into that, let me back up the manure truck and digress an hour or so here…

Well after a couple of laps around the grounds I decided to head back to Rolexville and throw meself into a pile of refreshing Pimms. Sitting on the terrace all by me lonesome, I could not help but notice the woman who had come out and settled in two tables away from me. Even I could recognize that it was Roger Federer’s long-time girlfriend Mirka Vavinec. Federer, of course, is not only Swiss but he is a huge Rolex guy and features prominently in all their marketing. She nodded and smiled ever so slightly and then within minutes Federer’s American agent, perpetuating every stereotype you ever had about sports agents, was swooping about. He grabbed the Rolex guy and then disappeared before reappearing minutes later with some big old pregnant blond woman hiding behind a huge pair of designer sunglasses and some guy wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans. And to think that I was feeling a tad under dressed in the Rolex suite.
They seemed to be friends of Mirka and after exchanging French air-kisses settled down for an afternoon tea. A friend from Hong Kong sat next to me, nodding toward their table he murmured, “Gwen Stefani.”
“Who?” I asked.
“Gwen Stefani,” He said, “You know, the singer.”
“Oh yeah, of course , sure, sure,” I replied half embarrassingly and immediately I thought of my sister Kerry with her face in a copy of Hello or People magazine while watching the E! Channel. She would have been all over this like a hobo on a ham sandwich and would have instinctively told me not only how many months pregnant Gwen was (a whole bunch by the look of things), but that the dude in the black t-shirt is her husband Gavin Rossdale, lead singer and guitarist of the band Bush and a huge tennis fan. I knew none of this of course…
… Now about that enormously pregnant woman in the family and friends box who was blocking my view of center court. When she turned around, I couldn’t help meself and said to no one in particular: “Isn’t that Gwen Stefani? Damn, it is. And I think that’s her husband, Gavin Rossdale, you know the guy from Bush?” And of course everybody within earshot nodded and ooohed and aaahed and got out their cameras to take a picture of the celebrity couple thanks to my ultra-perceptive peepers.
I didn’t bother to mention that I had overheard them talking in the Rolex suite and that it was the same kind of inane banter that you or I might indulge in. Gav was saying how tired he was from carrying all of Gwen’s shopping bags on her most recent bout of retail therapy. Sounds awful familiar, doesn’t it men?
After the match, we (Gwen Gav, Mirka, moi) all adjourned back to Rolexville for some scones with clotted cream. Rumors were rapidly circulating that the man himself was on his way to the suite after barely breaking a sweat against Soderling. And sure enough, no more than 30 minutes after his match the Swiss maestro appeared looking incredibly refreshed in his stylish Wimbledon limited edition cardigan.

Now where was I? Oh yeah. SW19. All England Lawn and Tennis Club. Wimbledon. Strawberries and Cream. You know the routine.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Whose your daddy, Paddy?

But if we didn’t openly pull for any team with a shamrock on their uniforms or Irish in their name, Joe Noonan made it clear that we would get whupped upside our head with the family shalale. Even the hunchback of Notre Dame, it didn’t matter if the guy was French or that his name was Quasimodo, as far as my dad was concerned he was playing for the Fighting Irish so he got nothing but love in our household.
Somewhere along the line the rebelliousness in my brother got the best of him and he eschewed the shamrocked Boston Celtics in favor of the putrid showbiz hues of the LA Lakers. This was back in the day when were just discovering the NBA and every season we would bet our allowance on who would go further, his Lakers or my Celtics. Thanks to the likes of Dave Cowens and John Havelick (I was too young for Bill Russell's Celtic dynasty), I would usually win and my brother would punctually pay up.

Then the 80’s hit and all hell broke loose. Magic Johnson and Showtime versus pasty Larry Legend and the Celtics. When the dust cleared on the 80’s the Lakers won five titles, the Cetlic’s three. Now I could handle losing a few bucks to my brother and I could even handle the abuse heaped up on me by the likes of Ray Holden and Jim Longo, who vicariously reveled in the Laker’s success like it was their own. But what I could not handle was before the season started in 1985 when my brother, whose Lakers were defending champs, told me he didn’t want to do the bet this year because the Celtics had picked up Bill Walton in the off-season and nobody was going to touch them. He was right, nobody did touch them that year. They rolled to the title and actually went 40 and 1 on their home court. But despite their great season I was still pissed off at my brother. "There’s no backing out of this bet," I told him, "it rolls over into perpetuity and you know what else, now I know why the Laker’s wear the color yellow. It's because they want to honor their fans."

It's been 22 years since the Celtics last won a title and it's been 22 years since my brother wouldn't bet me. During that time the Lakers won five more titles.
Well as I am sure you are aware this year both the Celtics and the Lakers have had a remarkable renaissance and found their way back to finals. Yipeee, huh?

Personally I didn’t care who the Celtics beat for the title just as long as they won. But, if you could choose a dream opponent to bitch slap, well it might as well have been the Lakers because outside of the citizens of England, I can think of no group with a greater sense of entitlement than Laker fans. And as much as the Brits whinge and whine, they got nothing on the snivelers supporting the yellow Lakers. Led by their Zen Master coach Phil Jackson (and since when has whining been zennish?), all series long Team Yellow were crying.
Actually, I think he looks more like Mark Twain with constipation than a Zen master. But at any rate, Phil and Team Yellow were whining about the referees, about the Celtics playing too physical, about how the Lakers would suddenly awake from their funk and restore order. You see, according to Laker fans, and the overwhelming majority of the American sports media, the Celtics weren’t winning the series, the Lakers were losing it.
The Lakers were a big favorite coming in. Why, I’m not really sure because if you like basketball, actually if you like sports, than you can appreciate the 2007-08 Boston Celtics. Now, I did not say like them, because for some of you Celtic haters that would understandably be too much of a load to bear. I said appreciate them, sort of like I did with 96' Yankees. Even Laker fan's can understand that. These Celtics played hellacious team defence all year and shared the ball. I know its sounds hokey but it’s true: Five became one. They were a team and the best TEAM easily won.
And for all you Laker whiners who are moaning about the Celtics having been thrown together over night with the recent additions of Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen - Garnett has actually played twice as many games in a Celtic uniform as that Spanish squid Pau Gasol has in Laker yellow. And the Celtics gave up a potential all-star in Al Jefferson to get him while the Lakers gave up some day old quiche and two bottles of Jack Nicholson’s Viagra to get Gasol from Memphis. So don’t even start, yellow ones.
If anyone should see Jim Longo or Ray Holden, and all those other Laker Ho’s who were so damn certain that their beloved Show Timers Part Deux would run their way to another title, tell them Garloe Roach and I said hello. And tell them it’s okay to come up for some air. Team yellow is finished for the season.

To me, at least, the Celtics pounding of the pussified Lakers has absolutely NOTHING to do with either the Red Sox or the Patriots, a couple of borderline odious franchises. I’m not a Boston fan, I’m a Celtics fan. I realize that at some point, the myopic and self indulgent Northeast media mob will keep blowing the Celtics ad nauseam and they will get mythologized and overexposed and fawned over and become just as despicable and nauseating as the Red Sox nation (yecch) and that scheming, hooded cheat Bill Belichik. But for now, as of this writing, the Celtics are still fresh. And while we’re at it, wherever you are Sean, you owe me your allowance.
So who’s your daddy, Paddy? Well it sure as hell ain’t you, Laker bitches. And just in case some of you may have missed it:

Friday, June 20, 2008
Hey Hey, My My
There is no place in this man's universe like Hong Kong on a clear (albeit extremely rare) day.
Friday, May 2, 2008
The Flame Game

Hey, how you been? Oh that's nice. A few of you may have noticed that my postings have dwindled dramatically in the last few months. Truth is I am now back in Hong Kong and moving all the things out of my flat after 10 years so it has been quite time consuming. Should have everything done by end of May at which time I am going to update this frigging thing because why do it if you don't do it? Know what I mean? Course you do.
It can get so damn stale in here and one of the complaints I have heard from the few people that read this thing is that there are far too many pictures of Sweet Loo (come on Mac, I only count three pics of Loo) and his head of red. So we will attempt to recitfy that shortly and spread the love. Trust me.
And speaking of red, I just wanted to quickly mention that me and my trusty camera had a brush with the flame today. The ultra-contentious, and ultra absurd, Olympic flame finally returned to Chinese soil when it toured the far from hostile pungent environs of its bitch state Hong Kong. Yes, it was beautiful. Every mainland sycophant worth their weight in RMB was out and about sporting their finest communist blood red colors today in what amounted to the greatest outpouring of affection yet to HK's surrogate papa in Beijing.
But please, please, don't ask Hong Kong: "whose your daddy?" Because everybody around here knows Beijing is a mother. That's right, Beijing's a real mother - as in THE MOTHERLAND, MUTHAF*%#AS!
It was all kind of nice and civilized and the type of Hong Kong civility that has long endeared me to this place. I mean, sure I got stampeded in Central by a lusting jingoistic mob. But it was a well behaved mob, at least as well behaved as a lusting mob could be. No harm, no foul. And why shouldn't the people of Hong Kong been wearing red today? Makes perfect sense to me. I should also mention that any hostility from the crowd, and there was some semblance of it right in front me directed at a group that unfurled a Tibet flag, clearly appeared to NOT be from Hong Kong elements. This crew was speaking Mandarian and as close as I could get I could smell stale tobacco on their breath (it was pretty damn crowded, don't you know).
No, they were definitely mainlanders shipped in to bully any dissenting elements, which they sucessfully did in a way that belies the inherent civilities of Hong Kongers. Get all that? Good because it's some times hard to remember that Hong Kongers are inherently civil, particularly when they are butting in front of you at a 7-11 or cutting you off without looking on the highways and byways that surrond this pungent harbour. But trust me, they are civil in matters that matter.
It was a strange, well actually not that strange, grouping of people chosen to run the torch relay in Hong Kong. While other locales predominantly feautered athletes, Hong Kong's version of the relay was heavy on politicians and corporate mainland sycophants. And while a couple of cute actresses ran some of the legs, we were treated to a paunchy politico (above), who looked like his next step would be his last, hauling the flame in front of us. What a f*&^ing joke. Unbridled hilarity. And hey, I am always up to a good laugh.
A few blocks away, Mia Farrow took time out from raising her 14 children (I said 14!) to hold court at a luncheon at the FCC (the Foreign Correspondents Club and a group I was once loosely aligned with). Ms Farrow is upset, and rightfully so, that China is doing tons of business with the genocidal mob running Darfur. She intends to use the upcoming Games as a platform to shame China into dumping their pariah alliances.
But Mia - Mama Mia - come on. China is the cat-daddy of pariah pals. Darfur, Burma, North Korea, the list goes on and on. You can't shame the shameless, they don't care what you think and on this day, in Hong Kong at least, Mama Mia was totally marginalized by mainland love. I'll give her an "e" for effort though. At least she knows where Darfur is. I figure most of the radical element out protesting China's handling of Tibet couldn't find that country on a map if they had a National Geographic tour-guide in their back pocket.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Ship of Fools

After a succesful exorcism, performed by the ships' captian Damian Choi (in the background), Cindy's head was squarely back on its axis.
Upon hearing that they were going to be on the Dick Cavett show instead of a junk sailing through Hong Kong harbour, both Brian Pohli and Mark Looram gleefully crossed their legs to prepare for the interview.
Fresh from their recent appearance at the Osmond Family Reunion, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir brightened up the evening.
Meanwhile, the glum-chums brought their own brand of mirth to the evening's festivities.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Stuck inside of Mobile with the Memphis blues again
The bottom line is I am still a fat and lazy son-of-a-bitch who has not found the time to update this thing for a couple of months. I have some stories of places and some pictures too that I will share with you shortly, if you are so inclined. The above is a picture of me with a couple of softball friends with way too many perfect white teeth. There's, not mine... I have to admit to being somewhat suprised that a few people were reading this thing. Some asked for more updates and I am also told there is some sort of mechanism whereby you can get a notification when a blog is updated. That's sounds way too civilized for me and for you as well. Just come back here when you find the time. That's what I'm doing.
BIG SUR UPDATE COMING VERY SHORTLY! In fact it should be here in minutes featuring a beatnik bash with Lizzy Taylor and Chuck Bronson (that's right Bronson as a beatnik - you don't want to miss it!)

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Carmel by the Sea
Saturday, February 9, 2008
San Francisco
According to a recent census, there are officially three redheads in the state of California. And, just my luck, I got to go to a hockey game with two of them. As you can see in the pic below, two redheads and two deadheads (follickly speaking). Left to right that’s Poppy Loopy, Sweet Loo, Rooster Cogburn and yours truly carrying an unprecedented amount of heft just so I won’t feel so out of place in the super-size-me U.S. of A.
The Sweet One is incandescent. He rotates between Wanchai and Polk Street. One minute he’s in Hong Kong, the next he’s lounging in his palatial San Francisco digs. And yes San Francisco, Sweet Loo is indeed bi. Bi-coastal, that is.
This is a picture from high above Loo-ville somewhere off Polk Street.
Things have certainly changed in this hood, at least they have since the close to 20 years ago when I last lived in San Francisco. Polk Street was a tad rough, in an S & M way. Now it’s full of hopped up java hounds hoping to catch a sideways glance of their chiselled reflection in a shiny hubcap or two. There are scads of trendy bistros and a couple of chi-chi health clubs, which are magnets to the legions of shapely female hipsters uniformly clad in black-tights. But there is little eye contact from most folk on Polk. Where Sweet Loo, the merry fartmaker, fits in to this gentrified genome is anybody’s guess. Ah, but that’s far too much introspection for this hillbilly cat.
Fortunately, we found a pretty damn crisp sports bar no more than a minute or two from the Sweet One’s pad. There had to be about 20 TV’s beaming and they were featuring everything from high def college hockey to a command performance of Snooky and his paunchy mate’s throwing darts somewhere south of Newcastle in what passes for riveting viewing in England.
And it’s also no surprise that both Poppy Loopy and Sweet Loo were attending their first live NHL game while the Rooster claims to be a long time Rangers fan, which is not to be confused with an actual hockey fan.
So it was with great relish that I had to tutor my less enlightened friends, although Sweet Loo claims I grew impatient when he asked me if there was a reason why three guys jumped over the boards together to replace three guys coming off the ice. I told him they had something called forward lines in hockey (a center and two wingers) and defence pairings (self explanatory). He didn’t like my tone and claimed that the players could hear me ridiculing him. Here’s why:
We sat in the first row behind the players bench. But eventually Loo was feeling so emboldened by my hockey tutorials that he started giving a hand to Sharks coach Ron Wilson (in pic above), helping him with line changes and the like. Well it was all so much fun, don’t you know, that we had to order us up a slew of beers and get blind, which was very appropriate considering we couldn’t see a damn thing on the ice with all the players and coaches in front of us anyway.
The funniest part was watching the Sharks Jeremy Roenick, who is about 108 years old and was once a colossal star for the Hawks back in the 80's and 90's, playing about two minutes all game and getting roughed up when he was out there.

I know most of you have no clue who this guy is, or was. But I always liked JR and was shocked to see him sitting one foot away on the other side of the glass. I thought he had retired three years ago and judging by his lack of ice time, the Sharks coach must have figured he had retired as well.
Maybe we were having too much fun, I don’t know, but towards the end of the first period I saw the Hawks Martin Havlat, a paragon of futility because he is the teams highest paid player and also their laziest, standing in front of the Sharks bench and staring right at me. Next thing I know out of the corner of my eye comes a flying puck heading right towards us. Now there were 17,496 people at the game and only one got hit in the head with a puck. Any guesses who? No, not me. Despite my altered state I have been to enough pewee and junior B games over the years to know that you duck first and ask questions later. But Sweet Loo, well this was his first game.
The puck had been deflected up over the bench and came screaming down right on us. Loo saw it at the last second and managed to get his hand up to his coconut in time to take the brunt of the impact. But it still hurt. I picked the puck up and thought, wow, first time I got a puck at an NHL game. Stood up and waved it at the crowd, looking for my TV time, while medics rushed in. But next to Loo was some kid with his dad and the most longing look in his eyes. He was almost tearing up. I asked Loo if there was any blood and he said no. So I gave the puck to the kid. Really, I had no friggin’ choice because half the arena was watching us now on the Jumbotron.
These are odd fans in San Jose. By the third period of a tie game, they were kind of quiet. But not me. I was up on my feet giving the Hawks shit for most of the game and god knows they deserved it. Dainty Duncan Keith, the Hawks lone all-star and a smooth skating defenceman who is adverse to any bodily contact it seems, kept passing up open looks at the net to make the perfect pass. I couldn’t take it any longer and finally stood up and yelled at him: “Shoot the puck, you can’t score unless you shoot the damn thing!” Well of course he heard me because the joint was basically silent and everyone sitting around us was staring at me. “Look at that crazy guy, drinking beer, screaming and yelling. Must think he’s at a hockey game or something.” Sure enough, next time down ice dainty Duncan tees up a shot from the point right in front of us and pounds in a goal to tie up the game. Naturally I had to take a bow and was going to go check with the official scorer to see if I got an assist on the goal. Some knucklehead two rows up started yelling “Shoot the puck, you can’t score unless you shoot.” And he started laughing and so did everybody around him. And he kept it up and kept it up and kept it up. ZZZZZZZZZZZ. Hey junior, I told him, it was funny two weeks ago. Let it go. The Rooster said no problem on the Hawks goal, “We’re still going to beat you.” We?
The teams went to overtime, then a shoot-out which the Sharks won because the Hawks suck. Oh and 108 year old Jeremy Roenick scored the winner for the Sharks in the shoot out. Ha. Damn.

But a good time was had by all, with Poppy and Sweet Loo saying this was the most fun they had ever had at a sporting event. OK, enough puck. The Hawks suck. But you already know that, don’t you?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008