...well sort of. After almost 17 years in the Pearl of the Orient, the road beckons once again so I called up my old pal Jimmy Buffet and said, "Yo Jimmy, I got one more weekend in Hong Kong. How about you hop on one of your gulfstreams and get over here and play a couple of hours for some friends." Jimmy said: "Why not, I've never played in Asia before and Hong Kong is as good a place as any to start." And voila, just like that Mr Buffet found his lost shaker of salt and showed up at the Hong Kong Football Club on Jan 18 for a charity gig. The charity was the Po Lin Orphanage and the concert was organized by the Foreign Corespondents Club (FCC). A large number of FCC members are Brits and have no idea who Buffet is. Which was cool because it meant I had first kick at the best seats. We managed to get about 70 or so folks crammed into five and a half tables up front. We also managed to consume copious amounts of margaritas in a pre-show party on TB's roof and, well, you know where all this is going. Ouch.
Jimmy didn't take a nickel to come to HK and even dug into his own pocket to get his Coral reefers ashore. Now that's a man. Senator Glezye flew in from his compound in the Philippines for the show. We met for a drink at the FCC and managed to talk to Jimmy for about 20 minutes the night before the show. Well at least I talked to him. The Senator is such a big Buffet fan that he was basically tongue-tied during our rendezvous with him, which makes it even more imperative for Jimmy to return to HK. Anybody who can mute the habitually chattering senator is a miracle worker in my unvierse.
According to parrotheads in the know, Jimmy played one of his rare Friday night gigs. But don't take my word for it, here's the proof: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jimmy+Buffet%2C+Hong+Kong&search=Search
Thanks to Centrumox (and just what the hell is a centrumox?) for spinning the vids and thanks to the dirt one for the snaps. Now if you'll excuse me Hong Kong, blue skies beckon. We'll dance again some day. But before I go, can I get one final round of applause for the greatest city in the world?

Ahh, why thank you Jimmy.
How I wished I was there!
Sounds like it was an evening of debauchery!
Can I say that I met Jimmy vicariously through you Tim?
Anyways, we will talk more about it soon.
Take care.
'LAFFY' McCart
Laffy, you would dig it the most. Jimmy wanted to know where you were. Check out the link on you tube for the songs and (sssh)I might have a copy of a DVD with the concert on it.
Buffet says he wants to make it an annual gig and has already committed to next year so start your planning for Hong Kong '09 right now.
Thanks again for the note and see you soon.
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